Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Life Blended Together- Lemonade or LemonNOT

Imagine your mind is a blender, and like a blender anything you place into it mixes together to create a final product. Believe it or not, this is the same concept that creates your reality. To make a great smoothie it's important to have the right ingredients. Although strawberries, pineapples, and mango would make for a great treat this is not the world we live in. Not everything is always "peaches and cream" and sometime life hands us spoiled fruit. It is vitally important that we refrain from adding life's rotten fruit to our mind. Doing this not only leaves a bad taste in our mouths but it can cause us to become sick. 

If you take this blender comparison as a philosophical standpoint it would seem as if life has a strange way of getting you to do things we wouldn't normally do. It would almost seem as if we have these invisible strings pulling on our arms and legs forcing us to do life bidding. Have you ever not felt in control of a situation before? 

No matter how hard you try to change the outcome it still happens the way you didn't want it to go. Well that's because you were projecting more of what you didn't want to the happen versus what you truly wanted to happen. A wise mentor of mine often tells me that each day I am projecting and creating a the world I want to live in with every thought that comes across my head. Life works like this, anything you put your mind too you can achieve. As my favorite author James Allen would say, "Asa man thinketh, so is he". As much as I live by the quote it has some rather harsh repercussions. While yes, anything you put your mind too will ultimately make its way to your reality this quote never says your realty will be good. Because if your thoughts are bad and have negative substance to them then your reality will only follow suit. 

To beat life at its own game is nearly impossible but there are however certain ingredients that you can add to your life to make it rather fruitful. 
1. Morning and daily mantras are a great exercise in creating a positive reality around you. By taking time out of your day to truly focus on you want can have benefits beyond comprehension. This self affirming discipline is practiced in religions and cultures  all across the world. 

2. Another key element that can enhance your reality is reading. The most successful and peaceful people in the world all happen to be avid readers. Whether its Robert Kiyosaki "Rich dad Poor Dad" or JackKornfield's "Meditation for beginners" reading has profound effect on your serotonin levels and can lead to more positiveness and happiness. I know personal how accomplished and knowledgeable I feel after reading a good piece of literature. 

3. In addition to mantras and reading, exercise can play a very important part in your outlook on life. When your body is healthy the brain receives more oxygen, giving you the ability to think more rational and clear. Practicing these habits routinely can help filter out bad and negative thoughts keeping your eye on the prize at hand. Next time when life hands you lemons make sure they aren't spoiled and make the best damn lemonade you can possibly make.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Conversations Control Your LIfe - Fly or Flock

Life is about conversations. Literally, before we are born some of the most unsophisticated mumbles(baby talk) are whispered to our mothers belly. Even on our deathbed people spontaneously become philosophical and voice their sorrow as if a reply is expected. As humans we live to be social. But what does this power of being social actually hold. 
You ever hear the saying "birds of a feather flock together". This saying couldn't be more true. But what they don't tell you is that if one of these bird got shot in mid air, those once flocking birds would disburse faster than you could say "pull". I say all this to reference that if that flock had been having the right conversations they would known when and where they were flying over hunting grounds. In life there are 3 types of birds. There are those that get shot in mid air because they just flock with other and never question why. There are also those that adapt to immediate change, thus flying away. And then there are those that converse about the possibilities and danger ahead. Its amazing how a simple conversation can help one plan effetely to take a new route. Two great question to ask yourself is who do you flock with and are the conversations in this flock conducive or are they irrelevant?

Each day I strive to bring substance into my life. It is because of this, I personally choose not to watch television or listen to music. Now a day's good moral substance is hard to come by. In order to not fall victim to the distraction of the world, I open the door for frugal conversations. Recently I challenged a good friend of mine for one week to tally each meaningless conversation. Three days later they were ready to throw in the towel. You would be surprised how much you spend listening and having the wrong conversations. Every flock isn't frugal nor conducive and sometimes you can find yourself flying in the wrong direction. Unfortunately,  most people are afraid to break the V formation to go their own route.

 I can't stress enough about the importance of having a frugal flock and how the type of conversations within this flock can dictate your altitude. Life has granted me the chance to participate in many great conversation and in these discussions I have made it my duty to not only listen twice and much as but take something of value away from the conversation. Sometimes you have to strategically place yourself around the people you aspire to be like to attain the things you want to have. Nothing in life comes easy and closed mouths don get fed. Who knows, maybe one of your next conversations could lead to you creating a one of the world's best beard brands.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Like Father Like Son: Passing the Bearded Torch

    The greatest complement a man can receive is not one of intangible possessions such as well shined shoes, luxurious cars, or dapper cloths. For these are only material extensions of what a man portrays. I say with confidence that the greatest complement a man can get is one of his beard. Because while shoes can be scuffed, cars break down and suits might not fit a beard is something a man takes to his grave. So yea, having a beard is kind of a big deal.
      Like many others as a young boy I remember wanting to be just like my father. Literally I wanted to do everything just like him, from the way he walked to the way he talked I wanted to be just like him in every way.

     I remember growing up my father had this gloried goatee (that might explain my passion for facial hair) and as a child I remember checking the mirror daily for any signs of peach fuzz. At the age of 4 I didn't understand why I didn't have any I just knew I wanted to have something. I wanted facial hair so bad one day I took it upon myself to try and shave. Now, I watched my father shave many times before so in my mind I thought if I shaved then I would grow a beard just like him. Not only was I wrong, 2 minutes into shaving I was found covered head to toe in blood holding a Bic razor in my hand. You could imagine how a mother must have felt to walk into a bathroom full of blood and her 4 year old son standing on the counter attempting to shave. Although my face has healed sense then, I am sure the horrific images still rest in my mother's memory.

      I'm reiterating this story to highlight the fact that from a young age my passion to have facial hair didn't stem from just wanting to grow a beard; anyone can do that trust me, I have an aunt who can. My passion for beards stems directly from having such a great father and wanting grow up and be the man he wanted me to be. Granted it does have it perks with the ladies but it has an even greater benefit on how I feel about myself. Ask yourself, what physical attribute makes you feel good about you? But really ask yourself, why? We have all been blessed with certain gifts, talents, and attributes that make us feel good about our self image and shape us into being a better person. That is why it is our duty to embrace these precious things and allow them to shine because you never know who could be admiring you. So yea, it's kind of a big deal.

Throwback video dedicated to my biggest supporter, thank pops.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Global Beard Takeover-Celebrities Edition

It's one thing for a trend to revolutionize the music industry, it's another thing for a trend to take over the film industry, but when a trend takes the world by storm is it still considered a trend or is it a lifestyle? Some of the most pop culturally influential men in this world have decided to embark on this rather hairy journey. And while every man has their own style of "beardom" (freedom to grow a beard in your unique way) one thing remains consistent, beards are retaking their rightful throne.

Aubrey Drake Graham, better known as Drake, is a Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and actor. Aside from number one hit songs Drake takes the throne as the bearded trend setter of the year.Sporting a full beard is hard to do but Drake makes it look easy.
The most charismatic beards-men I know, is George Timothy Clooney. George Clooney is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, director, and activist and has received three Golden Globe Awards for his work as an actor and two Academy Awards. This seasoned beards-men without a doubt makes grey look good.
Nothing is funny about this next beard, Zachary Knight "Zach" Galifianakis is an actor, writer and stand-up comedian. It just so happens this fellow beards men also belong to the same fraternity as I myself ( Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity inc.). This "Nupes" beard literally hangs-over the acting industry.
In spite my unquestioning fear of zombies Andrew James Clutterbuck, better known by his stage name Andrew Lincoln, is an English actor. He is most recognized for his portrayal of Rick Grimes, the lead character on the AMC horror drama series The Walking Dead. This bearded zombie killer is too helping bring beards back to life.
When it come to athletes James Edward Harden literally slams the competition. Starting shooting guard for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association has the league growing crazy.
These Property brothers have mastered house building. Twin brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott aim to help couples find fixer-uppers and transform them into dream homes. Not only have they mastered home finding these brothers are the masters of perfectly stubble beards.

Guillermo Diazis but you might know him as Huck from Scandal is a member of the crisis management team at Olivia Pope's consulting firm. As a former black ops agent for a top secrete B-613 sub-division for the CIA Huck's beard undoubtedly adds to his masculine murderous character.
 Alessandro Manfredini is a 47 year old Italian model. This million dollar mug has absolutely took Instagram by storm. Living proof your never to old to sport your retro inspired tattoos, grey beard and unique dapper attire.  

I could only image the type of pressure their publicist and image consultant must feel in order to keep these beards in tip top shape. While there are some great beard product out there the one i find the most beneficial to both growth, softness, ich relief, and smell is bearinbeard beard oil.