Sunday, April 17, 2016

Like Father Like Son: Passing the Bearded Torch

    The greatest complement a man can receive is not one of intangible possessions such as well shined shoes, luxurious cars, or dapper cloths. For these are only material extensions of what a man portrays. I say with confidence that the greatest complement a man can get is one of his beard. Because while shoes can be scuffed, cars break down and suits might not fit a beard is something a man takes to his grave. So yea, having a beard is kind of a big deal.
      Like many others as a young boy I remember wanting to be just like my father. Literally I wanted to do everything just like him, from the way he walked to the way he talked I wanted to be just like him in every way.

     I remember growing up my father had this gloried goatee (that might explain my passion for facial hair) and as a child I remember checking the mirror daily for any signs of peach fuzz. At the age of 4 I didn't understand why I didn't have any I just knew I wanted to have something. I wanted facial hair so bad one day I took it upon myself to try and shave. Now, I watched my father shave many times before so in my mind I thought if I shaved then I would grow a beard just like him. Not only was I wrong, 2 minutes into shaving I was found covered head to toe in blood holding a Bic razor in my hand. You could imagine how a mother must have felt to walk into a bathroom full of blood and her 4 year old son standing on the counter attempting to shave. Although my face has healed sense then, I am sure the horrific images still rest in my mother's memory.

      I'm reiterating this story to highlight the fact that from a young age my passion to have facial hair didn't stem from just wanting to grow a beard; anyone can do that trust me, I have an aunt who can. My passion for beards stems directly from having such a great father and wanting grow up and be the man he wanted me to be. Granted it does have it perks with the ladies but it has an even greater benefit on how I feel about myself. Ask yourself, what physical attribute makes you feel good about you? But really ask yourself, why? We have all been blessed with certain gifts, talents, and attributes that make us feel good about our self image and shape us into being a better person. That is why it is our duty to embrace these precious things and allow them to shine because you never know who could be admiring you. So yea, it's kind of a big deal.

Throwback video dedicated to my biggest supporter, thank pops.


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